Hi Ram,
You can download the latest version of openhpi from
Top level directory has README file that can help to build and install
openhpi. If you are interested only in ipmi plugin, you can build only
that plugin also. The commands I use are
tar -xzvf openhpi-3.5.0.tar.gz
cd openhpid-3.5.0
./configure (add options to build only ipmi plugin)
make rpm
cp /etc/openhpi/openhpi.conf /etc/openhpi/openhpi.conf.me to edit the
plugin with my credentials
start the openhpid as
openhpid -c /etc/openhpi/openhpi.conf.me
Here after you can use hpi* commands like hpitree, hpi_shell etc to see
output of various commands. These are all client programs.
There is an old document available at
Hope this helps.
Post by Pat RamHi,
I am just getting started with openHPI. Can somebody give me some
pointers on a procedure to start managing IPMI supported servers?
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