May be target doesn't support plain text auth?
Though it says 'supported' in the GetChannelAuthCapabilities response.
Post by David MckinleyHi,
Well, you can see right there in the trace what is going and coming on
that connection. I don’t think I have anything I can add as to why this
sequence is generating an error code, if as you say, what is being sent
is all correct. Looking at the IPMI spec (page 145), this sequence is
the very start of the login handshake. If it cannot get past this
opening handshake, what other configuration information could be
If you know for a fact that this sequence ought to work, and it isn’t
working, then it sounds like something to take up with the BMC
Sorry I don’t have any magic answers. Also, just as a warning, I am
travelling in the immediate future, and will be away from my email for
the next 10 days – so if you reach out again in the near future, I’ll
apologize in advance for not responding. :-)
Good luck!
Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2016 11:43 PM
Subject: Re: [Openhpi-devel] Query
Thanks for reply.
I am familiar with IPMI specification.I have checked the command request
for get session challenge.It is correct and all the parameters are
corerct i.e user name and auth type.
Does it need any more configuration to connect to IPMI system ?
We have checked the command GetSessionChallenge have correct parameters
and not sure why does it send invalid request return code.
I have below errors popping every time i connect to openhpi.Do Let me
know if anyone have faced earlier such errors.
penhpid: CRIT: plugin.c:589: A handler #1 on the libipmidirect plugin could not be opened.
openhpid: CRIT: conf.c:719: Couldn't load handler for plugin
2016.02.22 19:31:38.513 AllocConnection: IPMITimeout 5000 ms.
2016.02.22 19:31:38.513 AllocConnection: AtcaTimeout 1000 ms.
2016.02.22 19:31:38.514 AllocConnection: Enable SEL only on BMC.
2016.02.22 19:31:38.515 AllocConnection: Max Outstanding IPMI messages 1.
2016.02.22 19:31:38.515 AllocConnection: Don't poll alive MCs.
2016.02.22 19:31:38.515 IpmiAllocConnection: connection name = 'lan'.
2016.02.22 19:31:38.515 AllocConnection: addr = ''.
2016.02.22 19:31:38.516 Using host at
2016.02.22 19:31:38.516 AllocConnection: port = 623.
2016.02.22 19:31:38.516 AllocConnection: authority: straight(4).
2016.02.22 19:31:38.516 AllocConnection: priviledge = operator(3).
2016.02.22 19:31:38.516 AllocConnection: user = root.
2016.02.22 19:31:38.516 using port 7001.
2016.02.22 19:31:38.517 >cmd 0x00 0c 0f 00
GetChannelAuthCapabilities (02) 0e 03
2016.02.22 19:31:38.521 <rsp 0x00 0c 0f 00
GetChannelAuthCapabilities (09) 00 01 36 04 00 00 00 00 00
2016.02.22 19:31:38.521 >cmd 0x01 0c 0f 00 GetSessionChallenge (17)
04 72 6f 6f 74 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2016.02.22 19:31:38.527 <rsp 0x01 0c 0f 00 GetSessionChallenge (01)
2016.02.22 19:31:38.527 Challange returns: 0xcc !
2016.02.22 19:31:38.527 IPMI open connection fails !
openhpid: CRIT: plugin.c:589: A handler #2 on the libipmidirect plugin could not be opened.
openhpid: CRIT: conf.c:719: Couldn't load handler for plugin
On Fri, Feb 19, 2016 at 10:19 PM, David Mckinley <HYPERLINK
Congratulations, you seem to be making some progress!
If you are not familiar with the IPMI specification, you should at least
download a copy of it, as you’ll need to be able to decode these
messages to troubleshoot what is going on. You can get it from
From the log output below, the obvious thing is that the login to the
BMC failed. Specifically, the BMC returned an error code “CC” to the
“GetSessionChallenge” command. That completion code (see IPMI spec
linked above, page 44), means “Invalid Data Field in Request”. So,
there is something the BMC does not like about the GetSessionChallenge
request. That request, decoded in the log as “02 72 6f 6f 74 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00”, simply requests the start of a login sequence
for username “root” using md5 authentication (see IPMI spec., page 293).
It isn’t clear what could be invalid in that request. Note that if the
username is not valid, that should have resulted in a completion code of
‘81’, rather than the generic error ‘cc’ (but maybe the BMC is sending
the wrong value). The other possibility is that the BMC is saying that
it does not support MD5-based authentication. However, the previous
exchange, “GetChannelAuthCapabilities” sent back a response indicating
that, in fact, it does support it (IPMI spec. page 283).
At this point, you need to figure out why the BMC is not accepting the
login. I presume you chose MD5 auth_type for some reason – but you
might want to experiment with other options, in particular “straight” or
“none”. You might also try changing the auth_level to “operator”, but
that seems less likely to help. Besides those changes, you can try
changing the username. There really isn’t anything else that would
affect the failing “GetSessionChallenge” command.
Good luck!
From: Shantibhushan Sale [mailto:HYPERLINK
Sent: Friday, February 19, 2016 1:27 AM
Subject: Re: [Openhpi-devel] Query
We have provided live BMC ip address for ipmi-direct.while starting
AllocConnection: AtcaTimeout 1000 ms.
2016.02.19 12:49:38.928 AllocConnection: Enable SEL only on BMC.
2016.02.19 12:49:38.928 AllocConnection: Max Outstanding IPMI messages 1.
2016.02.19 12:49:38.928 AllocConnection: Don't poll alive MCs.
2016.02.19 12:49:38.929 IpmiAllocConnection: connection name = 'lan'.
2016.02.19 12:49:38.929 AllocConnection: addr = ''.
2016.02.19 12:49:38.929 Using host at
2016.02.19 12:49:38.929 AllocConnection: port = 623.
2016.02.19 12:49:38.929 AllocConnection: authority: md5(2).
2016.02.19 12:49:38.930 AllocConnection: priviledge = admin(4).
2016.02.19 12:49:38.930 AllocConnection: user = root.
2016.02.19 12:49:38.930 using port 7001.
2016.02.19 12:49:38.930 >cmd 0x00 0c 0f 00
GetChannelAuthCapabilities (02) 0e 04
2016.02.19 12:49:38.934 <rsp 0x00 0c 0f 00
GetChannelAuthCapabilities (09) 00 01 36 04 00 00 00 00 00
2016.02.19 12:49:38.935 >cmd 0x01 0c 0f 00 GetSessionChallenge (17)
02 72 6f 6f 74 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2016.02.19 12:49:38.939 <rsp 0x01 0c 0f 00 GetSessionChallenge (01)
2016.02.19 12:49:38.939 Challange returns: 0xcc !
2016.02.19 12:49:38.940 IPMI open connection fails !
Do Let us know what could be this issue.
handler libipmidirect {
entity_root = "{SYSTEM_CHASSIS,7}"
name = "lan" # RMCP
addr = "" # Host name or IP address
port = "623" # RMCP port
auth_type = "md5" # none, md2, md5 or straight
auth_level = "admin" # operator or admin
username = "*****"
password = "*****"
IpmiConnectionTimeout = "5000"
AtcaConnectionTimeout = "1000"
MaxOutstanding = "1" # Allow parallel processing of
# ipmi commands; change with care
logflags = "stdout" # logging off
# logflags = "file stdout"
# infos goes to logfile and stdout
# the logfile are log00.log, log01.log ...
logfile = ""
# if #logfile_max reached replace the oldest one
logfile_max = "10"
On Wed, Feb 17, 2016 at 8:41 PM, David Mckinley <HYPERLINK
You don’t seem to have openhpi installed correctly. Helping at this
level would be beyond what I could do for you. If/when you get to the
point of having the ipmidirect plugin installed, and would like some
help in analyzing the ipmidirect specific log, I might be able to help.
Good luck!
From: Shantibhushan Sale [mailto:HYPERLINK
Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2016 1:14 AM
Subject: Re: [Openhpi-devel] Query
plugin.c, 523, Warning - no handlers)
Feb 17 07:01:23 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (threaded.c, 131, Error on harvest of events.)
Feb 17 07:01:23 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (safhpi.c, 1339, Init state
check failed! (INVALID_SESSION, 2))
Feb 17 07:01:24 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (safhpi.c, 1339, Init state
check failed! (INVALID_SESSION, 2))
Feb 17 07:01:25 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (safhpi.c, 1339, Init state
check failed! (INVALID_SESSION, 2))
Feb 17 07:01:26 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (plugin.c, 523, Warning - no handlers)
Feb 17 07:01:26 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (threaded.c, 131, Error on harvest of events.)
Feb 17 07:01:26 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (safhpi.c, 1339, Init state
check failed! (INVALID_SESSION, 2))
Feb 17 07:01:27 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (safhpi.c, 1339, Init state
check failed! (INVALID_SESSION, 2))
Feb 17 07:01:28 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (safhpi.c, 1339, Init state
check failed! (INVALID_SESSION, 2))
Feb 17 07:01:29 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (plugin.c, 523, Warning - no handlers)
Feb 17 07:01:29 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (threaded.c, 131, Error on harvest of events.)
Feb 17 07:01:29 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (safhpi.c, 1339, Init state
check failed! (INVALID_SESSION, 2))
Feb 17 07:01:30 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (safhpi.c, 1339, Init state
check failed! (INVALID_SESSION, 2))
Feb 17 07:01:31 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (safhpi.c, 1339, Init state
check failed! (INVALID_SESSION, 2))
Feb 17 07:01:32 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (plugin.c, 523, Warning - no handlers)
Feb 17 07:01:32 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (threaded.c, 131, Error on harvest of events.)
Feb 17 07:01:32 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (safhpi.c, 1339, Init state
check failed! (INVALID_SESSION, 2))
Feb 17 07:01:33 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (safhpi.c, 1339, Init state
check failed! (INVALID_SESSION, 2))
Feb 17 07:01:34 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (safhpi.c, 1339, Init state
check failed! (INVALID_SESSION, 2))
Feb 17 07:01:35 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (plugin.c, 523, Warning - no handlers)
Feb 17 07:01:35 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (threaded.c, 131, Error on harvest of events.)
Feb 17 07:01:35 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (safhpi.c, 1339, Init state
check failed! (INVALID_SESSION, 2))
Feb 17 07:01:36 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (safhpi.c, 1339, Init state
check failed! (INVALID_SESSION, 2))
Feb 17 07:01:37 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (safhpi.c, 1339, Init state
check failed! (INVALID_SESSION, 2))
Feb 17 07:01:38 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (plugin.c, 523, Warning - no handlers)
Feb 17 07:01:38 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (threaded.c, 131, Error on harvest of events.)
Feb 17 07:01:38 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (safhpi.c, 1339, Init state
check failed! (INVALID_SESSION, 2))
Feb 17 07:01:39 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (safhpi.c, 1339, Init state
check failed! (INVALID_SESSION, 2))
Feb 17 07:01:40 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (safhpi.c, 1339, Init state
check failed! (INVALID_SESSION, 2))
Feb 17 07:01:41 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (plugin.c, 523, Warning - no handlers)
Feb 17 07:01:41 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (threaded.c, 131, Error on harvest of events.)
Feb 17 07:01:41 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (safhpi.c, 1339, Init state
check failed! (INVALID_SESSION, 2))
Feb 17 07:01:42 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (safhpi.c, 1339, Init state
check failed! (INVALID_SESSION, 2))
Feb 17 07:01:43 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (plugin.c, 523, Warning - no handlers)
Feb 17 07:01:43 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (plugin.c, 523, Warning - no handlers)
Feb 17 07:01:43 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (threaded.c, 131, Error on harvest of events.)
Feb 17 07:01:43 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (safhpi.c, 235, Invalid EntryId 0 in Domain 0)
Feb 17 07:01:43 localhost hpitree: ERROR: (epath_utils.c, 251, Location value too big)
Feb 17 07:01:43 localhost hpitree: ERROR: (epath_utils.c, 251, Location value too big)
Feb 17 07:01:43 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (safhpi.c, 1339, Init state
check failed! (INVALID_SESSION, 2))
Feb 17 07:01:44 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (safhpi.c, 1339, Init state
check failed! (INVALID_SESSION, 2))
Feb 17 07:01:45 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (safhpi.c, 1339, Init state
check failed! (INVALID_SESSION, 2))
Feb 17 07:01:46 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (safhpi.c, 1339, Init state
check failed! (INVALID_SESSION, 2))
Feb 17 07:01:47 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (plugin.c, 523, Warning - no handlers)
Feb 17 07:01:47 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (threaded.c, 131, Error on harvest of events.)
At the starting of openhpid,we could see few more errors related with
0:20 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (plugin.c, 523, Warning - no handlers)
Feb 17 07:10:20 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (threaded.c, 131, Error on harvest of events.)
Feb 17 07:10:23 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (plugin.c, 523, Warning - no handlers)
Feb 17 07:10:23 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (threaded.c, 131, Error on harvest of events.)
Feb 17 07:10:26 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (plugin.c, 523, Warning - no handlers)
Feb 17 07:10:26 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (threaded.c, 131, Error on harvest of events.)
Feb 17 07:10:26 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (plugin.c, 351, Can not open
libipmi plugin: file not found)
Feb 17 07:10:26 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (plugin.c, 351, Can not open
libipmidirect plugin: file not found)
Feb 17 07:10:26 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (plugin.c, 351, Can not open
libipmi plugin: file not found)
Feb 17 07:10:26 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (plugin.c, 566, Could not
create handler. Plugin libipmi not loaded)
Feb 17 07:10:26 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (config.c, 577, Couldn't load
handler for plugin libipmi)
Feb 17 07:10:26 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (plugin.c, 351, Can not open
libipmidirect plugin: file not found)
Feb 17 07:10:26 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (plugin.c, 566, Could not
create handler. Plugin libipmidirect not loaded)
Feb 17 07:10:26 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (config.c, 577, Couldn't load
handler for plugin libipmidirect)
Handlers were defined, but none loaded.)
Feb 17 07:10:26 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (plugin.c, 523, Warning - no handlers)
Feb 17 07:10:27 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (plugin.c, 523, Warning - no handlers)
Feb 17 07:10:27 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (threaded.c, 131, Error on harvest of events.)
Feb 17 07:10:30 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (plugin.c, 523, Warning - no handlers)
Feb 17 07:10:30 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (threaded.c, 131, Error on harvest of events.)
Feb 17 07:10:31 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (plugin.c, 523, Warning - no handlers)
Feb 17 07:10:31 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (plugin.c, 523, Warning - no handlers)
Feb 17 07:10:31 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (threaded.c, 131, Error on harvest of events.)
Feb 17 07:10:31 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (safhpi.c, 235, Invalid EntryId 0 in Domain 0)
Feb 17 07:10:31 localhost hpitree: ERROR: (epath_utils.c, 251, Location value too big)
Feb 17 07:10:31 localhost hpitree: ERROR: (epath_utils.c, 251, Location value too big)
Feb 17 07:10:34 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (plugin.c, 523, Warning - no handlers)
Feb 17 07:10:34 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (threaded.c, 131, Error on harvest of events.)
Feb 17 07:10:37 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (plugin.c, 523, Warning - no handlers)
Feb 17 07:10:37 localhost openhpid: ERROR: (threaded.c, 131, Error on harvest of events.)
Not sure if we are doing all the things correct.PFA openhpid.conf file for reference.
On Tue, Feb 16, 2016 at 9:37 PM, David Mckinley <HYPERLINK
To have the openhpid ipmidirect plugin log to a file, you should change
the logflags =”stdout” entry to logflags = “file”. Then, given your
“logfile” entry, the log output would be written to “logIPMI.txt00.log”
(or some other numbers 01, 02, etc.). That is, it takes whatever file
name you give it, and appends two numbers -- which will increment until
an existing file with the matching name does not exist -- and “.log”.
As to what directory it will put this in, that is not as clear to me,
and it has been a long time since I’ve done this – I just don’t remember.
Looking at the code – …/plugins/ipmidirect/ipmi.cpp (search for where it
is processing the “logfile” and “logflags” configuration items) and
…/plugins/ipmidirect/ipmi_log.cpp (see the cIpmiLog::Open method) – it
does not seem to add any directory to the filename you configure, so it
should be in the working directory for the daemon process. It also
looks like you can probably force it to be in the directory of your
choice with something like: logfile = “/var/log/logIPMI”.
Looking at the rest of your configuration, I’m not sure about your name=
“lanplus” parameter. Looking at the most recent source I have
downloaded (which is 3.6.1), it expects this value to be either “lan” or
“rmcp”. (see …/plugins/ipmidirect/ipmi.cpp, searching for where it
processes the “name” configuration item). I would expect, if you manage
lanplus !”
Also, you have specified auth_type = “none”, which could be a problem
unless the BMC really does not require any sort of authentication for
RMCP+ access. In my experience, this would be unusual. Given that you
have also specified an auth_level, username, and password, I’m not sure
what you think is actually required here for your BMC. Again, if you
can get the log working, this will likely be clearer.
From: Shantibhushan Sale [mailto:HYPERLINK
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2016 7:54 AM
Subject: Re: [Openhpi-devel] Query
handler libipmidirect {
entity_root = "{SYSTEM_CHASSIS,7}"
name = "lanplus" # RMCP
addr = "" # Host name or IP address
port = "623" # RMCP port
auth_type = "none" # none, md2, md5 or straight
auth_level = "admin" # operator or admin
username = "root"
password = "root"
logflags = "stdout" # logging off
# logflags = "file stdout"
# infos goes to logfile and stdout
# the logfile are log00.log, log01.log ...
logfile = "logIPMI.txt"
# # if #logfile_max reached replace the oldest one
logfile_max = "10"
Discovery done.
RptEntryGet returns NOT_PRESENT
EntryId: -2104609760
ResourceId: 0
Resource Revision: 184
Specific Version: 50
Device Support: 8e
Manufacturer ID: Unknown
Product ID: 49920
Firmware Major Revision: 32
Firmware Minor Revision: 214
Aux Firmware Revision: 48
GUID: 000000f0-338e-82ff-7f00-003c0000003e
HotSwap Capabilities: None
Resource Severity: (null)
ResourceFailed: FALSE
Data Type: (null)
Language: UNDEF
Data Length: 144
Data: 4▒▒▒
Not sure if I am getting correct data..Also i have enabled the log file
to logIPMI.txt.Not sure were this file is being generated.Please confirm
my understanding.
On Sun, Feb 14, 2016 at 11:42 AM, David Mckinley <HYPERLINK
Hello again,
I don’t know that there is much more help I can provide. Your problem
A) You don’t have the ipmidirect plugin configured correctly to
access the IPMI data in the BMC (e.g., IP address, username/password,
etc.), or
B) You misunderstand openhpi, and think that it should be passing
IPMI data directly to the clients. It does not do that; it translates
IPMI data received from the BMC to HPI-formatted data, as described in
the HPI API specification, and that is what the clients see. So, an
IPMI sensor, for example, is represented to the client as an HPI
sensor. Similarly, IPMI SDR data is reported in HPI RDRs.
If what you mean is that, for example, when you run hpitree you don’t
get any results, then the problem is likely (A). If you are seeing
output from hpitree, but don’t recognize the output as containing the
“live ipmi data” you are expecting, then the problem may be (B).
If you understand how the IPMI data you are looking for should be
represented in HPI, and the problem thus seems to be (A), then you might
try turning on logging in the ipmidirect plugin by specifying “logflags
= file” or “logflags = stderr” in the ipmidirect stanza within your
openhpi.conf file. The logging is pretty verbose (so I recommend
“logflags = file” to capture the output in a file), but it is generally
useful for troubleshooting BMC communication problems.
From: Shantibhushan Sale [mailto:HYPERLINK
Sent: Saturday, February 13, 2016 9:35 PM
Subject: Re: [Openhpi-devel] Query
I can able to configure by ipmi by enabling in openhpi.conf...I have
live BMC IPMI I have to access the live ipmi data.I have
explored the hpi clients programs...but seems they are not useful for
Please help me with client programs which can access ipmi data from hpi..
Thanks in advance
On Feb 14, 2016 3:05 AM, "David Mckinley" <HYPERLINK
OpenHPI has a front-end/back-end architecture. The client programs
provided with the package, like hpitree and hpi_shell, interface with
the HPI daemon front-end, using the HPI standard API. You can also
write your own client programs if you want, linking them with the
openhpilib library, which will interface with the HPI daemon front-end.
How the HPI daemon interacts with the managed system depends on which
back-end plugin is configured via openhpi.conf. To interface with a
managed system that uses IPMI, you need to specify and configure the
ipmidirect plugin. If this is done, then when client programs access
the HPI daemon front-end, the daemon will use the ipmidirect plugin
back-end to communicate with the managed system using IPMI.
Hope this helps.
David McKinley
From: Shantibhushan Sale [mailto:HYPERLINK
Sent: Saturday, February 13, 2016 11:55 AM
Subject: Re: [Openhpi-devel] Query
Are these client programs use ipmi plugin?
On Feb 12, 2016 11:22 PM, "Mohan Devarajulu" <HYPERLINK
The existing client programs could be used once the openhpi.conf is
configured properly.
openhpid -c /etc/openhpi/openhpi.conf
hpitree provides most of the data that openhpi has for the configured
hpi_shell provides an interactive way to get the data. It also allows
the user to perform some of the set operations (power, reset etc), get
events etc.
I have to use ipmi from openhpi. I have installed the openhpi and
can see client programs like hpi_shell.
My doubt is how to interact with ipmi server.I have also done
configuration in openhpi.conf.
what is the command to use the ipmi data inside openhpi.
Your help is appriciated
Shantibhushan Sale
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