I compiled everything (except for C# and JAVA code) on my laptop running Windows 7 SP1 and GCC 4.7.2. All seems to work OK.
I compiled the C# code using Visual Studio 2013 Update 5. All seems to work OK.
I recompiled and ran a C++ program that I wrote that uses most of the OpenHPI dll files with Visual Studio. All seems to work OK.
I recompiled and ran a C# program that I wrote that uses the baselib.dll with Visual Studio. All seems to work OK.
The target system for testing was an ATCA chassis that we make running PPS (now Pentair) V3.6.1.4 IntegralHPI firmware on the shelf manager and a large selection of ATCA blades.
The README.windows file includes the message:
Seems client applications do not close sockets.
The sockets remain in TIME_WAIT state.
It can exhaust system resources.
Visual Studio code analysis when compiling openhpi_baselib.dll says:
CA1001 Types that own disposable fields should be disposable
Implement IDisposable on 'HpiTransport' because it creates members of the following IDisposable types: 'Socket'.
OpenHPI Baselib
HpiTransport.cs 25
It is possible that we need to add disposing code for the socket object in the C# HpiTransport class to fix the code analysis issue and to fix the sockets not closing problem.
Michael Thompson
Principal Engineer
Pentair Electronics Protection
170 Commerce Drive
Warwick, RI, 02886, USA
Office +1.401.535.4869
Proud to offer Schroff products
-----Original Message-----
From: Mohan Devarajulu [mailto:***@hpe.com]
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2017 8:45 PM
To: openhpi-***@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Openhpi-devel] New OpenHPI Release
Hello All,
Today is the code freeze day for 3.7.0 release. Please checkin the patches today. Please start testing. We are planning to make the release on May 18. Please file all the bugs that are found during testing. We will fix only critical bugs before the release.
Thank you for all the work.
Post by Mohan DevarajuluHello All,
Tomorrow, Apr 28, is the code freeze date for the new release. We were
planning to make a stable release. Considering the new plugin and the
long gap since we made a developer release, we will make a developer
release. We will call the release 3.7.0 Please go ahead make the
Post by Mohan DevarajuluHello All,
As we have several bugs still open we could not code freeze on Apr 14.
The code freeze is postponed to Apr 28, 2017. Please continue to
checkin bug fixes.
Post by Mohan DevarajuluHello All,
The following dates are set for the upcoming OpenHPI release
(4.0.0) Mar 31, 2017 for bug fixes, adding features etc After this
we will checkin only fixes for serious and critical bugs.
Apr 14, code freeze.
Apr 28 Release.
Please checkin your changes.
Post by Mohan DevarajuluHello All,
Continuing from the previous mail, the following is the proposal.
Let's make the changes to the code till Mar 31. We will have
serial and critical code fixes till Apr 14. After the Apr 14
code freeze, we could test the code for couple of weeks and make
the openhpi-4.0.0 release on Apr 28.
Hope these time lines are ok. Please share your thoughts,
features and bug fixes.
Post by Mohan DevarajuluHello All,
OpenHPI-3.6.1 was released on Sep 18, 2015. We made some
changes to the infrastructure code. Plugins had many bug fixes. We are planning to release a new plugin called ov_rest. We could close many of the old bugs also as part of the release.
Considering the above, suggest we make a release from the trunk. We could plan for this release some time in April 2017. This could be a stable release, OpenHPI-4.0.0. What do you think?
Please provide your input by March 31, 2017.
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