[Openhpi-devel] issue with openHPI
Subrata Nath
2016-07-03 15:58:13 UTC

I am using OpenHPI with ipmidirect plugin in on HP blade. RHEL
3.10.0-327 installed. I an getting error "

*2016.07.03 18:15:42.277 using port 7001.
2016.07.03 18:15:42.277 >cmd 0x00 0c 0f 00
GetChannelAuthCapabilities (02) 0e 03
2016.07.03 18:15:42.279 <rsp 0x00 0c 0f 00
GetChannelAuthCapabilities (09) 00 02 80 14 02 00 00 00 00
2016.07.03 18:15:42.279 Requested authentication not supported !
2016.07.03 18:15:42.279 supported authentication types: ."*

I have set openhpi.conf, authtype as none.

handler libipmidirect {
entity_root = "{SYSTEM_CHASSIS,7}"
name = "rmcp" # RMCP
addr = "<ip>" # Host name or IP address
port = "623" # RMCP port
auth_type = "none" # none, md2, md5 or straight
auth_level = "operator" # operator or admin
username = "root"
password = "changeme"
IpmiConnectionTimeout = "5000"
AtcaConnectionTimeout = "5000"


"ipmitool lan print 2" command shows no Auth Type Supported.

Set in Progress : Set Complete
Auth Type Support :
Auth Type Enable : Callback :
: User :
: Operator :
: Admin :
: OEM :
IP Address Source : DHCP Address
IP Address :
Subnet Mask :
MAC Address : fc:15:b4:0d:8a:ba
BMC ARP Control : ARP Responses Enabled, Gratuitous ARP Disabled
Default Gateway IP :
802.1q VLAN ID : Disabled
802.1q VLAN Priority : 0
Cipher Suite Priv Max : Not Available
Bad Password Threshold : Not Available
but openhpi.conf takes auth type doesn't take blank. Anyone is having
solution how to fix it?
From IPMITOOL, i can use with lanplus/open but not with lan.
[***@blrtest openhpi-3.6.1]# ipmitool -I lanplus -H -U
root chassis power status Password: Chassis Power is on

but it doesnt work with "lan"

[***@blrtest openhpi-3.6.1]# ipmitool -I lan -H -U root
chassis power status Password: Authentication type NONE not supported
Error: Unable to establish LAN session Error: Unable to establish IPMI
v1.5 / RMCP session

but I checked openhpi.conf ipmidirect(using RMCP) name takes only
lan/rmcp. It doesn't take lanplus.Anyone is having any idea - how to

